Mobile carriers are sunsetting 3G soon. Will your ELD be affected?
Mobile carriers are shutting down their 3G networks to make room for more advanced network services, including 5G. As a result, many older cell phones and other mobile devices will be unable to use data services.
Once a 3G network is no longer supported, it is highly unlikely that any ELDs that rely on that network will be able to meet the minimum requirements established by the ELD Technical Specifications, including recording all required data elements and transferring ELD output files.
Therefore, any ELD that requires 3G cellular connectivity to perform its functionality will no longer be in compliance with the technical specifications in the ELD rule after the 3G network it relies on is sunset. When in an area that does not support 3G, a 3G device will register a malfunction. In accordance with 49 CFR 395.34, the carrier has 8 days to get the malfunction resolved, in this case by replacement, unless an extension is granted.
The announced sunset dates are below.* These are dates for completing the shutdowns. Mobile carriers are planning to retire parts of their networks sooner.
AT&T 3G: February 22, 2022
Sprint 3G (T-Mobile): March 31, 2022
Sprint LTE (T-Mobile): June 30, 2022
T-Mobile 3G: July 1, 2022
Verizon 3G: December 31, 2022

Why must you use an ELD?
The ELD rule applies to motor carriers and drivers who are currently required to keep RODS on paper or with an AOBRD under the HOS regulations. Drivers who use the timecard exception, and don't keep paper RODS, will not be required to us ELDs. Drivers who keep RODS no more than eight days during any 30-day period. Drive away-tow away drivers (transporting a vehicle for sale, lease, or repair), provided the vehicle driven is part of the shipment. Drivers of vehicles manufactured before model year 2000. However, a carrier can choose to use an ELD, even if it is not required.
What is an electronic logging device (ELD)?
An ELD is technology that automatically records a driver's driving time and other aspects of the hours-of-service (HOS) records. This allows easier, more accurate HOS record keeping. An ELD monitors a vehicle's engine to capture data on whether the engine is running, whether the vehicle is moving, the miles driven, and the duration of engine operation (engine hours). ELD manufacturers must certify that ELD's meet technical standards in the ELD rule.
What does the ELD rule address?
The ELD rule requires ELD use by commercial drivers who are required to prepare HOS records of duty status (RODS). Sets ELD performance and design standards, and requires ELD's to be certified and registered with FMCSA. Establishes what support documents drivers and carriers are required to keep. Prohibits harassment of drivers based on ELD data or connected technology (such as a fleet management system). The rule also provides recourse for divers who9 believe they have been harassed.